Sunday, June 19, 2011

Keeping hopeful during the 2 week wait

6dpt today.  The progesterone is causing morning sickness, sore and swollen breasts, pinching in my ovaries and sleepiness. There is no way of knowing until the beta pregnancy test on June 27th.  I have been keeping busy taking care of my garden and crocheting.  I made a cute newborn size yellow baby booties and beanie following a tutorial on Youtube.  The day before my egg retrieval I planted 6 Jack-o lantern pumpkin seeds and 7 Bajan pumpkin seeds.  I remember thinking that day that even if IVF didnt work, watching the little pumpkin plants grow would be encouraging.  All 13 of them are growing :)

My nurse phoned on the 17th to say that the 3rd embryo didn't make it to freeze.  I am praying that the 2 in my uterus are doing well.  My husband bought me a pineapple on Friday night and a have been eating it (including the core).  It's full of bromelain and helps with implantation. I have been eating lots of fruits and vegetables.  This week I have been eating at least 6 servings a day of strawberries, raspberries, sweet cherries, blueberries, apples and papaya.  I eat them fresh and in smoothies. Tonight we are going to the cinema to see Xmen: First class.  Lord please give me the patience to get through these next 8 days.

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