Monday, June 13, 2011

Transfer-Day 3

Well the embryos this morning were 5-cell, 3-cell and the 3rd the doctor didnt say.   He said he didn't know if it would make it to freeze.  They are all poor quality.  Yesterday they were perfect so I don't know what happened.  I wish my doctor had been available today.  The doctor who did my transfer was 45 minutes late and with a full bladder every minute counts...He seemed to be one of those people that hates Monday and had  nothing encouraging to say. He said they were poor quality. He then transferred two embryos and sent the 3rd with the embryologist.  I hope it makes it to freeze.  I stayed in bed all day.  Sleeping passed a good few hours.  I was happy when my husband came home from work.  He was bearing gifts of GF orange chicken and seaweed salad.  I am giving it all over to God's as it's in his hands now.

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