Monday, June 16, 2014

4th Beta (5 weeks 4 days)

My beta is 3463 . It has only doubled after 252 hours :(   I asked the nurse what this could mean. She said they want to check to see if the pregnancy in in the correct place. In other words they are worried about an ectopic pregnancy. Either that or the baby stopped progressing. So Friday, June 20th is my 1st sonogram. Four pregnancies during a span of 16 months. Last year 20th June I also got bad news with our angel girl. I was 8 weeks and that was the day they could no longer find her heartbeat :( It is so hard to not be negative when I have had 4 miscarriages. I know that slow rising betas a not a good sign. Yet I refuse to believe that God would let us come this far and not have success.
  • 1st Beta 06-09-14 - 13dp5dt-1137! 
    2nd Beta 06-11-14 - 15dp5dt-1923- 64 hour doubling (normal)
    3rd Beta 06-13-14 - 17dp5dt-2842- 85 hour doubling (Lower than normal)
  • 4th Beta 06-16-14 - 20dp5dt-3463-252 hours doubling (Much lower than normal)
  • :(

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