Wednesday, November 11, 2015

ERA- Endometrial biopsy-CD 21

I had my endometrial biopsy for my ERA today. Startling discovery when my RE did my 21 day ultrasound. He said I have Adenomyosis! (yes in addition to endometriosis which I had excised in May this year) It's a mild case that he said shouldn't affect my getting pregnant. I know quite alot about adenomyosis because my close friend since childhood has it. It makes a woman's body produce too much estrogen. This makes me angry because my 4 medicated ivf cycles probably caused my adenomyosis in the first place!!! That explains why my body reacted so adversley to the del estrogen injections. I was already producing too much estrogen. Back to my childhood friend. She went for her 19 week utrasound where she was supposed to find out the gender. Sadly her baby's heartbeat was gone. :(  she said she heard it with the doppler just 2 days before :(  I am devastated for her. Not feeling much hope for myself now since she is the same age as me (44). 

When RE found the "adenomyosis" His first reaction was quite annoying. "This thing is growing" he said. Then he turns to me like a kid who has found a hidden treasure in the sand and says "It looks like a pregnancy...but it probably isn't". Not the kind of thing you tell a woman who has had 8 losses and doing donor egg ivf.  So he had me do a pee pregnancy test just in case.  All this time in my head I am thinking ..but we used birth control. I couldn't be what was the RE seeing in my uterus? Maybe the ghost of the pregnancy I had last November? I am only cycle day 21. How could he see a pregnancy on an u/s even if I had conceived. I should have told him smugly when he said it wasn't  a pregnancy.."well I have gotten naturally pregnant several times including last November" Not that I expect him to remember but it almost makes me feel like getting pregnant naturally again just to remind him I can get pregnant without his help! I know, a bit irrational, but the nerve of him you know?  Pregnancy test was of course negative. If he really thought it was a pregnancy on cycle day 21, why not order a beta? Urine hpt would not show positive that early. My beta from my chemical was zeroin Sept. I just don't understand Re's.

After the biopsy he said Ivigen recommends a second biopsy. I really don't want to delay embryo transfer by another month and pay another $900. *sigh* If I get a "pre-receptive result" That will be good enough for me. Then we will know we need to add an extra day of pregesterone, Natural cycle requires so much bloodwork and u/s. I will do it for transfer but not for another ERA. I also told him that I was disappointed in the "natural cycle" I thought natural meant only progesterone supplementation without estrogen which I want to avoid.  He said it would be risky to do it without. I said no way if I get pregnant am I doing estrogen until week 12. I have known other women who did a natural cycle without estrogen. So we compromised and I will only have to estrace from cycle day 16 until BFP. Then I can discontinue and only do Progesterone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patience,
    Seems like a bump at every turn huh? Well just stay strong, get some rest and know I'm thinking of you, praying you along
